29 October 2011

The Savvy Experience

We're back and have even more style secrets up our sleeves! It’s been very busy over the summer and in the run-up to the festive season getting to know all our stylish clients and helping you colour yourselves beautiful. But we can’t keep quiet any longer. Now it’s time to share some of our wonderful feedback with everyone because we’ve had such fun making the magic happen and think this is a great way to show just what we’re about. Read on for a truly Savvy client experience:
Entering Eve’s world on a sunny Saturday afternoon, I had high hopes and but little else in the way of expectations. I had heard of her work through a friend of a friend who couldn’t give me much more than: ‘she said you simply must go’ (a must-have recommendation for all women alike or a personal referral for a particularly needy friend – you decide!)

It was clear from the start however, that I was in good hands. From the professional but friendly greeting right down to the small offerings, like refreshments, I knew that I was in the company of experience and more importantly, with someone who loved what they did. I was instantly relaxed and ready to be honest about all my little style faux pas (and this coming from a totally bare-skinned-and-ready-to-be-made-over face – wonders never cease!)

The Works kicked off with an introduction into colour and why it’s so important to the daily style choices we make. I was surprised that this was the first time I was learning about my colouring and what works best for me. Fashion and make-up are all about working with what you’ve got, so why had no-one enlightened me before now?!

Once I was clear on my skin tone, and how to really set my eyes off with the best shades of every colour of the rainbow, it was time to figure out my figure. Again, this was such an eye-opener and I can honestly say that Eve has saved me so much money for the future with her advice. With a helpful chart that helped me picture what clothes I needed the most of for my lifestyle, I could imagine myself having a serious spring clean when I got home – my wardrobe is now super organised and is working for me like never before.

Best of all was that Savvy Style not only put me at ease for the style choices of future but also relaxed me for the week ahead with a makeover. After being truly pampered with the best Murad skin products I watched Eve work her magic as she transformed my usually dull and boring makeup routine into an easy step-by-step guide to a natural but beautiful look. I was wearing eye shadow for the first time without looking like I was in drag! I’ve learnt so much and will take everything I was told into my daily routines.

There’s no slipping off the band-wagon either as I now carry my new fashion bible, the ‘Colour Me Beautiful’ book to refer to on my commute and the handy colour swatches accompany me in their stylish leather wallet on every shopping trip I venture on!

Thank you Savvy Style!


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